Sinking: final | Fiction | Raelea


Harmony is beautiful, but the freedom to create dissonance is more beautiful.

Sinking: final

Ah, it is done. I wrote Sinking in 5 days.
I can’t believe it came out that fast! It still needs some work. I’m editing but the gist is out. I didn’t intend for such a tragic story to unfold but all well ends well. Don’t worry...for such an intense short it ends on an upbeat note. I admit to my Hollywood ending but it needed it.
I must warn any woman that has been violated in any way, the material can be disturbing. I didn’t mean to offend. I meant to convey a fictional tale of one woman’s risks and consequences to those risks but NOT to imply she deserved what she endured!
I’m off to catch some zzzzzzzzzzz
Then wake to go to Rowan and perhaps while she sleeps I will begin another short.
Nighty night.
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